Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Fathers Day

I think that Brad had a good fathers day this year. It was very laid back and relaxing. We started out by letting him sleep in and then the boys gave him his gifts (which they opened for him). This is what Hudson thought daddy should do with the bag

Austin made daddy a monster chi pet for his desk at work.

Here is a photo of his gifts and cards, he also got something to go with his game but its not pictured.

After gifts we headed outside to play

Austin helped do a little yard work

Then Brad decided to vacuum out my car from our beach trip-which turned into us cleaning out the garage and Austin used the shop vac to vacuum up the entire garage

After all of our fun and work outside the boys took a nap. As you can see below Austin is laying on the floor-he started out on the sofa but feel off while he was sleeping and never woke up.

Brad is such an amazing father and husband to the boys and I. I am truly thankful to have such a wonderful man in our lives!

1 comment:

Josh and Outing said...

So creative :-) Love that Austin fell off the couch and didn't even wake up... must have been a SUPER AWESOME day with dad!