I want this me back. I was so happy with myself
Pre Baby and I thought I was fat. If I only knew
The Me I need to Embrace.. I couldnt ask for more
SO I have decided that I need to get some style. I used to make an effort at how I looked. I tried to dress cute and have cute hair and always look put together. Needless to say since having Austin I havent made much of an effort in any of this. I want to but it has just seemed like too much work. It so easy to just get in the shower let my hair air dry and throw on some jeans and a tee shirt or sweat shirt. But thats not fair to me or anyone else. I deserve to look cute, even if I am just sitting at home all day. When I look cute I feel better about myself and am in a better mood. Which is good for everyone around me. So with that being said I am making an effort.
I have recently realized the following (ok, maybe I have realized it for a while but I am now going to embrace it)
*my body is not what it use to be: I am not 18 or 21 anymore. I am almost 27 and I have had a baby. Doesnt mean I have to give up on having a good body~but it does mean that its going to be different now.
*I dont need to shop in the Juniors dept. for clothes anymore: I know they have some cute things but they are made for people who have not had babies. When I try to shop in there I just walk away depressed for the following reasons
-I have to wear a bigger size
-they fit tighter in all the areas that I dont need them too
-they are made for Teenagers
*I still deserve to be cute: just because I am a mom doesnt mean that I have to give up on my own wants and needs.
*My mom always told me that the food I eat would catch up with me one day. And boy did it. I guess I really do need to stop eating so bad. Or at least when I do eat the bad things I dont have to eat it all at one time.
*The clothes that are in the plastic tubs in storage need to go. I have been holding on to stuff for so long in hopes that "I will fit into it again". Its not going to happen. I need to let them go.
*I need to go shopping for clothes. I have been putting it off for so long because I thought I would shop once I lost weight. Well its not working so well for me and I have nothing to wear.
And if I do loose the weight one day-just think of how good it will be to pack up clothes that are too big rather than the ones that are too small.
Ok, so I could go on all day, but I think thats enough for now. I have convinced myself to go shopping today and get some new clothes for myself. Not Austin or Brad which is normally who I buy for. But today I am going shopping for ME!!!!!! Then I will come home and take everything out of my closet that doesn't fit or that I don't wear. Just think how good I will fill tomorrow when I go to get dressed and everything that is hanging up makes me feel good about myself. There may not be a lots of stuff hanging but at least what does will not make me feel like crap or end up putting me in a bad mood for the day. So I am off today to but stuff for mama: clothes, shoes, sock and maybe even some new undies. I guess its a good thing I got paid this week. I guess the next thing to do is get my hair done. I have not had my hair colored since last Thanksgiving. I think its time.
amen sister! i am in the same boat and hear you all the way! we need to be happy with who we are now and not in the past. we can't live in the past so why dwell, right? :)
Preach on Michelle ;)!
I can relate to this post in so many ways. I too was a junior section purchaser, but not so much anymore.
Anytime you want to hit the town for some "cute" time just let me know ;)!
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