Friday, December 31, 2010

Recap of 2010

2010 has been a good year for our family..... We started the year as a family of 3 with two fur babies and ended it as a family of 4 with two fur babies. We welcomed our 2nd son Hudson in February which totally changed our little family for the better of course! Austin has grown and changed so much in the last year. He started the year talking but no where near as well as he does now. He is our little ham and always keeps us smiling. He is so smart and loves learning! Hudson has also changed sooooo much in the last year. He went from a newborn little guy to an almost one year old toddler. He is still the same happy boy though with a smile that is amazing. He went from not being mobile at all to rolling, doing the army crawl, to crawling up on all fours and over the last week he has started cruising and pushing walking toys around while walking. Brad and I have also changed a lot in the last year. I started the year pregnant, had Hudson lost all my baby weight and then some and have since gained some of it back (see my resolutions for follow up on that one). I also started the year as a mother of one who thought I some what had it together-then was thrown for a loop when Hudson arrived and could have never imagined how much my daily life would change. Now as the year is coming to an end I feel like I am some what getting life back under control. Brad is still an amazing hubby and father. He has tried to really step up to the plate and be a hands on dad with our boys and help out as much as he can. He too has lost some wight this year-but he has done a better job at keeping it off. Bernie and Chloe are still our fur babies although I threaten all the time that I am going to give them away. They have really taken the backseat around our house since Hudson's arrival-but that is something we are going to work on.

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