Monday, December 7, 2009

Baby #2 update

Today was my long awaited doctors appt for my 28 week check up (or so I thought). My MIL usually watches Austin during my appointments so I don't have to drag him to the doctors office just to wait an hour to see the doctor for 5 mins. However, she is out of town this week visiting her parents and me being the super smart mom I am~ I scheduled my appointment during Austin's nap time. Do you see where I am going with this post...... I hate being late to anything so I usually try to arrive at least 10 mins. early, but that did not happen today. Austin & I arrived about 10 mins late. But he was such a good boy while we were there. He sat like a good boy eating his animal crackers and coloring which made me soooooooo happy. I have been having some issues since my last appt. so I was really ready to sit down and talk with the doctor and thankfully she said everything looked normal. She did do an exam to make sure our little peanut was not planning and early appearance and thankfully it looks like he will be hanging out a little longer like he is suppose to. However, I was informed today that I will actually be 30 weeks along this Friday where I thought I was only going to be 29 weeks, so that was a nice little surprise for me. I know its only a week but it can be a really long week at the end of your pregnancy.

Brad and I were fully expecting the doctor to put me on bed rest for a while due to all of the contractions (both braxton hicks & real contractions) that I have been having along with some cramping. But once again the doctor said everything looks good for now. So I now am on my schedule of going to the doctor every two weeks so my next appointment is on Christmas Eve morning.

At this point I have only gained 10 pounds (even though I feel like I have gained 100) and I am measuring 29 1/2 weeks in my tummy so right on track. The babies heart rate was a strong 150 this morning so everything looked and sounded great.

We still have not decided on a name yet. Brad & I both like Trevor and Hudson and I love Carter while Brad really likes Johnathan. I am really hoping that we will have a name for our peanut by the holidays. Brad is going to have some time off from work between now and the end of the year so I am hoping to get the nursery completely finished and ready for the baby. I have also put together my "honey do wish list" of items around the house I would love to get his help with while he is off. He will be traveling a lot for work during January so I have to get all my work out of him before that if I want things done before the baby arrives.

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